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Sick Freaks StarrBecca Send a noteboard - 16/01/2015 12:11:26 AM

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I majored in history. I went to graduate school for history and have my masters. I love history. And I can honestly tell you I could not care less about preservation of an author's home. It means little. Is the building somehow special based on its architecture? No? Then tear it down if one wants to and build something more modern and aesthetically pleasing. That itself will be torn down in 80 years.
Congratu fuckin lations.
If people didn't keep doing this, we would be living in whatever hovels people living in during the early civilization periods.
How many homes across Europe are hundreds of years Old? My GOD. So we should tear everyone one of those fucking things down, and the Castles, too. B/c well, why not? Oh AND THE Chiurches that are hundreds of years old. just tear them down. Build new ones. You're an ass.
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Ray Bradbury's house is being torn down - 14/01/2015 08:23:06 PM 1095 Views
Huh. You'd think they'd at least burn it. - 14/01/2015 08:47:32 PM 615 Views
Good. - 15/01/2015 08:16:38 PM 648 Views
Sick Freaks - 16/01/2015 12:11:26 AM 1161 Views
You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you? - 16/01/2015 12:31:26 AM 644 Views
Ignorant cow, you need to get some perspective. - 19/01/2015 02:58:19 AM 587 Views
How is "ignorant cow" better? - 19/01/2015 07:42:58 PM 614 Views
This. - 19/01/2015 08:24:17 PM 612 Views
Shush, you, you... hussy! - 19/01/2015 08:29:09 PM 576 Views
Whatever. - 19/01/2015 08:35:14 PM 665 Views
It accurately described her behavior. - 19/01/2015 09:00:02 PM 576 Views
Eh - 19/01/2015 09:08:41 PM 577 Views

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